Corporate information
Scotland’s Finest Woods is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and registered in Scotland (SC294388) and a Scottish Charity (SC039099).
Registered Office:
Scotland’s Finest Woods
c/o 1 Ravelston House Loan
Board of Directors:
Alison Chisholm
Dr Alicja Dzieciol
Stuart Glen
Wilma Harper
Sam Howard
Tim Liddon
John Paterson
Guy Watt (Chair)
Peter Whitfield
Company Secretary:
Jean Nairn
Corporate history
Scotland’s Finest Woods was established in 2005 as an independent not-for-profit company to run the awards with the first competitions run in 2006. The company is a registered charity and is funded by a range of partner organisations and supporters.
A partnership to run an annual awards programme was first established in 1985 by the Forestry Commission, Scottish Woodland Owners’ Association and the Royal Scottish Forestry Society with the Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland joining later; the first competitions were held in 1986. In 1999 a fuller partnership developed to include a number of forestry and environmental organisations so as to better reflect contemporary woodland management and Scotland’s rapidly developing forest industry. Finally, an independent charity was established in 2005 to run the awards.